Vapor™ Fabric
An extremely lightweight, closed mesh stretch material made from quick dry yarns.
Sole™ Fabric
An extremely lightweight, closed mesh stretch material made from quick dry yarns.
Fermeture éclair à ouverture complète qui assure un contrôle maximal de la ventilation.
Panneaux d'aération stratégiquement positionnés pour permettre l'aération.
Une coupe moulante conçue pour réduire la traînée aérodynamique.
Étiquettes sublimées à surface lisse qui n'irrite pas la peau.
Technologie d'impression numérique de pointe garantissant des couleurs régulières et saturées qui durent.
Permettez aux membres de l'équipe d'ajouter leur nom sur le vêtement.
With precision-engineered clothing that balances performance and unrestricted movement, Verge liberates your indoor training by helping you ride harder, sweat smarter, and submit personal bests in the Pain Cave. Race-tested technical fabrics, ergonomic compression, raw cut lines, and integrated cooling zones give you the physical edge in the virtual world
Go to the "Get Started" contact form, fill in just a few of the most important information, and leave the rest to us. We will arrange a clothing fitting session with you. Our professional graphic department will make an individual design for you completely free of charge! It's much easier than riding a bike. Your turn, let's get in touch.